Hot Fuzz x

Lol… this is cool!

Maison Bentley Style


Karen Walker has managed to capture the sex-factor in her new campaign..with a dog.  A dog called Toast with a strong sense of self who doesn’t let anyone walk over her, but is more than happy to throw us a bone..


Sassy and sweet, flashing the flesh and dealing with aplomb with this meaty dish..kwe-1st-summer-2015_super-duper-thistle_1501592kwe-1st-summer-2015_toast_maze-1501577_cmykkwe-1st-summer-2015_karen-toast-face2face_creeper-1501574_cmykkwe-1st-summer-2015_toast_hothouse-1501582-side_cmyk

Like Karen Walker’s previous campaigns, it’s humourous, cheeky and rather wonderful, with just the perfect combination of wit and gristle.

The glasses aren’t bad either…

Laters, Kate x

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